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Results: 534


Welcome to the war of civilzombie against aliens.

Published: 25/01/2015

Wolf's howl

You are a lone wolf. Run, attack, eat and kill the hunters!

Published: 2015/01/25

Sofa simulator 2015

You always wonder what to do now when you are sitting on the sofa. Now you can experience the amazing Sofa Simulator 2015! Smash buttons and use your butt to make yourself confortable at the sofa with Sofa Simulator 2015!

Published: 2015/01/25

Random queen

Freedan is the son of the ugly Queen Gladys of Wintercape. He is the most stupid guy ever, but also the only Prince in the world. Many princesses from other lands come to Wintercape to kill the Queen, marry the Prince and rule the kingdom. But the Queen´s most loyal subjects will fight until the end! The problem is Gladys is not very smart and gives orders in a random way, so her minions can't stop asking "what do we do now, our majesty?"

Published: 2015/01/25

Rabbit Ville

Published: 2015/01/25

Party hard

Party! Always Party! Your friends want it! Party above all. Even if they have to face a vampire holocaust. They are a special type of vampires, who lives under the day of light and hate the partiers enjoying nightlife, because they can’t party like them, so they are seeking revenge! Your friends are drinking from one place to another. Before they go to another place, they yell: what do we do now? So, they decide the next place to go. The player have to fight while he and his friends are partying. Keep the largest amount of potential friends as long as possible. As the night progresses, more pe...

Published: 2015/01/25


Zoozoroa is a perfect game to introduce children to new technologies. They can improve their knowledge, attitudes and skills at the same time. The game is designed for 3-6 years old children and it is a graphic adventure where they will know a fantastic world inhabited by animals with the help of Komoko, Ben and Bam. Player must answer questions, overcome small challenges and meet and help all its friendly inhabitants in order to reach the end of the adventure.

Published: 2009
Type: Adventure, Edugame
Platform: Mac OS, PC
Recommended age: 3+

Piratekin matematikaren munduan

It will not be easy to cross this glass room built in a volcano. Every time you fail, crystals break! Will you be able to get the key? This time you'll strange tables in front of you. Look carefully and see if you find the axis of symmetry. If you respond well, you will have a surprise... Want to grab the golden numbers? You will have to do well operations! Do not forget that you also have the help of the monkeys! Our friend has spent a lot of years trapped in this cave. But it has not been in vain. He has managed to build the time machine! Did you help to leave the cave? The Chinese are c...

Published: 2003
Type: Adventure, Edugame
Platform: Mac OS, PC
Recommended age: 12+

Piratekin hizkuntzaren munduan

The pirate ship has sunk and sharks are going to eat you! You have to shoo away them with the oar and get to the island! You're caught in an Egyptian pyramid! To escape from there you have to cross columns that have nails. But how to do it? The forest witch will catch you and if you want to escape from her you have to help her to prepare the magic potion. The Arabian nights are perfect for storytelling. But the old Man Who tells you stories is too old and confused with words. Would you help him? Cannibals invite you to eat but you don’t like the food: You are the dinner! Escape from...

Published: 2001
Type: Adventure, Edugame, Platform, Puzzle
Platform: Mac OS, PC
Recommended age: 12+

Oroimenaren lapurrak

Travel in the time machine, face a sect, save Euskal Herria ... Do you dare? 2110, the Basque City. The investigator Mikel Z will face the most difficult case that has taken so far: the mysterious case of the boy who was 100 years in coma. Is the latest victim of memory thieves, the sect that has practiced sorcery throughout the history of the Basque Country. Enjoy this incredible adventure!!!

Published: 2003
Type: Adventure
Platform: Mac OS, PC
Recommended age: 12+