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Results: 64


This educational game captures the experiences and values ​​that has accumulated the Nairobitarra bus for twenty years and one million kilometers. Moving chips forward and backward players will have the opportunity to experience good and bad unforeseen, know distant countries meet and hear from its inhabitants. The fate decide if you suffer a puncture that force you to stop, if you have problems with passport in a border, if you will enjoy the natural scenery or you can go ahead with the help of the locals.

Published: 2013/04/30
Type: Edugame, Board games
Platform: Android
Recommended age: All

Hitzen katapulta

"Hitzen katapulta" or "the catapult of the words" is an application to practice basque language. The player will find words with gaps and he must complete them with a catapult that launches letters. It has three different levels : mountain, city and beach. Are a total of 17 screens. Words that appear in each level belong to that context. Box2D graphics engine was used for production.

Published: 2013
Type: Edugame
Platform: Android, iTunes
Recommended age: 7+

Altxorraren bila

This is the latest 3D adventure that we have developed. We will have to answer various questions about history, geography and science.

Published: 2013
Type: Edugame
Platform: iTunes, Android
Recommended age: 7+

Minotauroaren labirintoan

The Labyrinth of the Minotaur is a game in which you will practice riddles, proverbs and basque mythology. We have to move away the Minotaur and find the exit. We have to get some magic items in order to find the exit: books, a magic potion and a magic stick.

Published: 2013
Type: Adventure, Intelligence, Edugame
Platform: Android, iTunes
Recommended age: 12+

Pirate English

Learn and play with our crew of crazy pirates. Have fun while you practice English.

Published: 2014/11/18
Type: Edugame
Platform: Android
Recommended age: 7+


We developed an educational video game called "Gurbindo: Do you want to be a good farmer or livestock breeder?” set up at the Aranzadi Interpretation Center in Navarre in northern Spain. The games showed students the methods to become farmers or livestock breeders using a similar design language as other popular Social Games. In the game, the students have to make all types of decisions for producing their harvests, choosing land, obtaining quality certificates, deciding on the species to grow, the type of crop, evaluating the production process, setting the market price, etc.  

Published: 2012
Type: Edugame
Platform: PC
Recommended age: All

Irauntxoak V - Eta biodibertsitatea

Game objective: to transmit to children sustainable behavior patterns related to biodiversity. Features: the game have 5 tests. Each event have got a video advice, a game and a trivial .

Published: 2012
Type: Edugame
Platform: PC
Recommended age: All

Los sostenibles IV - En movimiento

Game objective: to transmit sustainable behavior patterns related to inclusive and sustainable mobility . Features: the game have 5 tests. Each event have got a video advice, a game and a trivial.

Published: 2010
Type: Edugame
Platform: PC
Recommended age: All

Los sostenibles III - Y el agua

Game objective: to transmit sustainable behavior patterns related to saving, caring and responsible water use at home. Features: the game have 6 tests. Each event have got a video advice, a game and a trivial.

Published: 2009
Type: Edugame
Platform: PC
Recommended age: All

Los sostenibles II - Contra los residuos

Game objective: to transmit sustainable behavior patterns related to reduction, recycling and reuse of waste at home. Features: the game have 8 tests. Each event have got a video advice, a game and a trivial .

Published: 2007
Type: Edugame
Platform: PC
Recommended age: All