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Results: 125

404: lost data

In this game you are a very important BLIND data package just sent and lost in internet. Find your way to the receiver using your inner radar!

Published: 2018
Type: Adventure, Intelligence, Ability - Skills
Platform: PC
Recommended age: All

Teotl: rise o a God

"Teotl Rise of a God" is a 3D, 3rd person adventure/puzzle game where you will use your powers as the high god's avatar in order to free the sun and the moon from their imprisonment.

Published: 2017
Type: Adventure, Puzzle
Platform: PC
Recommended age: All

Get away the wave


Published: 2017
Type: Adventure, Ability - Skills
Platform: Android, PC
Recommended age: All

Flappy bat

It's all about the idea of seeing the world like a bat. The only way you can see something is using the echolocation, and you have to move inside a cave avoiding the obstacles inside.

Published: 2017
Type: Adventure, Platform
Platform: PC
Recommended age: All

The Castaway and the sea

You have to take care of a solitary castaway, use the waves of the sea to bring him the objects drifting or to make sure he doesn’t leave the island.

Published: 2017
Type: Adventure, Ability - Skills
Platform: PC
Recommended age: All

Simphony world

Simphony World In Simphony World reigns the sonorous harmony except in a small place where Acuph lives and his lackeys. Acuph is a being that does not support musical harmony and pleasant sounds. That is why it turns all the waves into unpleasant noise with their devices implemented in the body. All Simphony world is transformed by a sound invasion. All? No, on a small oscilloscope is our hero Hertz. Hertz was not distorted because he was fixing the oscilloscope listening to music with the hoofs. As you exit the oscilloscope you encounter a world full of unpleasant noise that you must solve. A...

Published: 2017
Type: Adventure
Platform: PC
Recommended age: All


2.501 Brainwash gang. Find the past.

Published: 2017
Type: Adventure
Platform: PC
Recommended age: All

YO! Check he is dead (the Pope)

Please, play the game online to avoid browsers security alerts/blocks:

Published: 2016
Type: Adventure
Platform: PC
Recommended age: All

Tribal ritual

Naryan becoming an accomplished adept at certain mystical arts. Exiled by his tribe, for having used forbidden spells. Now, he wants revenge!

Published: 2016
Type: Adventure, Platform
Platform: PC
Recommended age: All

Las aventuras y desventuras de Super Pintxo y Pintxito

Super Pintxo is the local hero. The sun is up again in Gipuzkoa and he goes to the street to save the citizens in danger and rescue the little kitties. Everything is okay… or maybe not? Super Pintxo doesn’t want to be “Super” anymore. He has realized that something is missing, he wants to broke with his ritual!

Published: 2013
Type: Adventure
Platform: PC
Recommended age: All