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Results: 265

Porrotx Hiztuna

In addition to allowing us to interact with our favourite characters, this 3D mobile application has a notable educational dimension because it teach colors to children. It has different expressions connected with different elements. Besides, Porrotx will dance when he will hear his song and you will hear moustache song and tickle our clown

Published: 2013/03/27
Type: Edugame
Platform: PC, Android, iTunes
Recommended age: All


We could not get the Europa League but we are sure that we will get the Spanish King's Cup! With this game you can anticipate the final of the Spanish King's Cup against Barcelona on your mobile. Score as many goals as possible and become the Athletic winner of the Cup!

Published: 2012/05/14
Type: Ability - Skills, Advergame
Platform: PC, Android, iTunes
Recommended age: All


Well, here it is! If you don’t remember how to play Donostia march, this is your app! Show us how you play it and you will be on the top. Don’t be shy and be an authentic donostiarra! This is your music and your pretty city. What else?

Published: 2013/01/14
Type: Ability - Skills, Advergame
Platform: PC, Android, iTunes
Recommended age: All

Los ríos de Alice

Alice will be glad to help you to discover her marvelous world but you will have to help her to overcome their fears in exchange. Falsehood, envy and laziness are the eternal threats that stalk her. This video game is done to enjoy it to the max but calmly. It mixes beautiful images and the exceptional music that Vetusta Morla has composed specially for the game.

Published: 2013
Type: Adventure, Intelligence
Platform: Android, iTunes, Steam, Wii U
Recommended age: All

Kinito Music Puzzle

This app is composed of 40 masterpieces of music and each of them is divided in pieces of different colour. The player has to help conductor to order colour pieces in order to achieve the success of the concert. It is required maximum hearing sense. The game is another way of enjoying music. You will find in his repertoire the most popular and beautiful works of history. Thanks to great composers as Beethoven, Mozart or Verdi this game is until this moment the best classical music puzzle.

Published: 2013/08/24
Type: Intelligence
Platform: Android
Recommended age: All