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Results: 534

En busca del pikacosplay

The pokeball that appears in the middle of the screen can be moved either with the arrow keys and the keys AWSD. No installation is required, just click to run the game. The goal is to catch the person wearing the disguise of pikachu and carry pokeball to her. The game starts by pressing enter and you can pause by pressing esc.

Published: 2014
Type: Ability - Skills
Platform: PC
Recommended age: All

Ender & Turing

Ender & Turing is a simple game in which a daily personal story is told in the context of video “Sokoban” style. It is a cute puzzle in which he narrates a true story, combining text and level design. Game made with Puzzlescript tool. It is a free game but needs to issue a promotional tweet to be played. This game was made under the premise that anyone without knowing how to draw, program and without having money, may be able to tell a personal story with a video game.

Published: 2014/09/15
Type: Intelligence
Platform: PC, Mac OS
Recommended age: All

Ni ere musikari

Choose a musical instrument and listen to the advice of experts. Show us that you have musicality, rhythm, memory and sense... and get incredible results.

Published: 2008
Type: Edugame, Ability - Skills
Platform: PC
Recommended age: 3+

Trikitxikiren abentura izugarria

Trikitxiki helps you to recover lost songs of Euskal Herria. Go into the depths of the Oma’s forest, climb to the lighthouse of Santa Clara island, looking at the Cathedral of Santa Maria. Once you have recovered them you'll listen to them again and again.

Published: 2010
Type: Edugame, Platform
Platform: PC
Recommended age: 7+


You must buy all boxes. In this way you can your competitors will have to pay you. Is like the famous Monopoly ? Of course not! There are two types of players in this game called Txapelpoly: monopolists and competitors.

Published: 2009
Type: Strategy
Platform: PC
Recommended age: 7+

Baratze guda

Never ending disputes between farmers of Baratze Mendi. Eventually the mayor Paco Kotaraino has decided: from now nobody is the owner of this land. Those who want to cultivate a plot will have to prove their worth. If you want a plot, you have to be the first to get there and to pass a proof.

Published: 2007
Type: Strategy, Edugame
Platform: PC
Recommended age: 7+


Oh, Mother! The basque berets have gone crazy! It seems these hats have left their quiet life. Here they come! They are absolutely crazy! They have created a new game to know who is the best hat-jumper.  Are you ready to beat?

Published: 2007
Type: Board games, Edugame
Platform: PC
Recommended age: 7+

Sei baietz

Choose your character and become the champion of the Basque sports. You have to prove you 're the best in the six Basque rural sports winning masters from each of the modalities. Once you have started, you can not give up.

Published: 2007
Type: Sport, Edugame
Platform: PC
Recommended age: 7+

Basajaunen kondaira

Deiar Witch has put a curse Basajaun friends. Help him to find the potion that they need. You have little time to do it! “Basajaunen kondaira" is a very fun game based in Basque mythology. It's a fun way to review the ESO’s lessons: Basque, geography and history.

Published: 2003
Type: Intelligence, Edugame
Platform: PC
Recommended age: 12+

Baxu, basurdearen bidaia

Baxu and his family have decided to go to Urdaibai. Unfortunately, as soon as they arrived, hunters appear and his entire group flees, leaving only Baxu in a totally unknown environment. You can choose one of four players and even play with the four. Help Baxu to find his family.

Published: 2008
Type: Adventure, Edugame
Platform: PC
Recommended age: 7+