Wake up juice Informazioa eta deskarga

Our poor hero is on hangover after a all night party. Realizes that he have to go to a family dinner, so...¿what do we do now? There´s just one solution: the wake up juice. But there´s a handicap. His brain, liver and legs. You have to stay on the ground standing up, try to metabolize and drain all the alcohol consumed, and remember the formula of the wake up juice. Instructions to play: The objective of the game is to guess the four unknown ingredients of the "wake up juice" recipe. To accomplish that quest, there are 3 "minigames": - You need to maintain our hero standing up with the left and right arrow keys. If the hero falls down, you lose time. - You have to make 3-match combinations in the board (clicking with the mouse to swap elements). As well as you make more matches, some letters will appear to be able to solve the magic ingredients. Each letter have a color key      that matches with a specific brain part. - You have to click in each part of the brain and push letters in the keyboard to find the magic word in each one. If you type an incorrect character, or a character from another brain part (that is not clicked) you will lose time.

Published: 2015/01/25
Encounter: Global Game Jam 2015 Iruña


Valnar games.

- Grafikoak: Abbywan (Mariluz Triñanes).

- Programazioa: Valnar (Marcos Paulis).

