Spider show Information and download

Avoid spiders come to you killing them by clicking on them. If a spider reaches the end of the panel, it will bite you and you'll lose a life of 8 you have. Besides you'll be paralyzed a second due to the venom of spiders. In the top left you have a red spider indicating your lifes. Every time you lose a life, the Spider lose a paw. If you are bitten 8 times, you will be poisoned and will lose the game. If you press the buttons when they are red, the girl will be tortured. The girl can only be tortured eight times. When she loses a life, the diamond spider on top left will lose a leg. If you lose the 8 legs, the girl will be dead and you lose the game. Each time you press a green button, the spider on the top right will have a new paw. You must press a green button 8 times (completing the 8 legs blue spider) to win.

Published: 12/10/2014
Encounter: Hell-Hackathon 2014


Taldea: Jack´s Hell Team

Partehartzaileak: Borja Mateos, Borja Etxegoena, Andrea Conde, Pablo Días de Cerio, David Gracia.


Unity 3d, Reason 5.0, Autodesk Maya, Autodesk SoftImage, Photoshop, Ilustrator.
