Infectem! Game info and download

Move and grow a ball of zombies using the mouse in order to infect the whole city. You can destroy all the buildings and infect their occupants! In order to win you will have to destroy the main center, but be careful they are prepared...

Published: 2018
Type: Strategy, Ability - Skills
Platform: PC
Recommended age: All
License: Copyright
Encounter: Global Game Jam 2018 Bilbao


Developers: Alexandre Corcia Aguilera, Ignacio Mendezona, Javier Gimenez Martínez, Jon Ander Jiménez, Mariano Eliceche Lorente, Massimo Castrioto, Gabriel Mañero, Tasio.


Zero engine

Azkuna Zentroa, Plaza de Arriquíbar, Bilbao, España