Blood porters

The mission of the game is to take the correct amount of blood to the heart. The player is a nano-bot that has to take the oxigen and the red and white blood cells to the heart avoiding the viruses the bacteriums. To complete the goal the player can move to the left an right to collect the itmes that scrolling down. At the end of the time if you have recolected the correct amount of blood you win but if you recolet more or less than the correct amount you loose. Your score will be growing if you don't pass the correct amount, in this case de score will be decreased. Bacteriums decrease the level of blood and viruses chage the behaviour of the nano-bot.

Published: 2013-01-27
Encounter: Global Game Jam 2013 Bilbao


Ibai Sainz-Aja - Programing

Francisco Calatayud - Graphic designer

Music - Two steps from the hell
