Bizitzazabaltzen Play

Bizitzabaltzen, the creation of an extraterrestrial natural environment is a calming game. Each biotope influences the biotopes of its environment and under special conditions these are transformed into them.

To create this environment and experience different transformations, the player's only task is to place the tiles of different biotopes wherever they want.

. Select the biotope of the tile with the following keys:

1 = Desert

2 = Water

3 = Jungle

. To locate the selected tile, click on the map.

. Move on the map: Z, Q, S, D/W, A, S, D

Published: 2023
Type: Simulation
Platform: PC W
Recommended age: All
License: Copyright
Encounter: I Euskal Game Jam


Programmer: Louis Schnellbach

Graphic image: Vincent Aubry

Sound and music: Anize Amestoy



Bizkaia Aretoa - UPV/EHU, Avenida Abandoibarra, Bilbao, EspaƱa