a pet shop after dark Web info

Water the plants, feed the pets, and DON'T turn off the lights.

a pet shop after dark is a horror point-and-click adventure game where you've taken on an odd job at a little pet shop. The owner tells you the job is easy - all you have to do is water the plants, feed the pets, and stay the night.

There's just one thing - do NOT, under any circumstances, turn off the lights.

Published: 2022
Type: Action-adventure, Indie, Puzzle
Platform: iOS, Linux, PC W
Recommended age: 7+
Age limit reason: Fear
License: Copyright


Story/Code/Art: npckc

Music: Sdhizumi

SFX: Sdhizumi + Pocket Sound


English: npckc

Japanese: npckc

Spanish (ES): Gabriel Fiallegas Medina (Basajaun Games)

Spanish (LAT): Diego A (Dunkelheyt) - revised by Gabriel Fiallegasek

Basque: Gabriel Fiallegas Medina (Basajaun Games)

